A revolutionary idea has just crept into your mind. You were going about your daily business, drinking your coffee in the crowded living room or having a shower in your grimy bathroom, and then – BAM! A little thought crept into your head and whispered, ‘It doesn’t have to be this way’. And now here you are, contemplating an extension or renovation to your home – good for you. Here are seven reasons why you should extend or renovate your home.
1. Extension and renovations mean no moving!
I mean, I don’t think the idea of boxing everything up, scouring the internet for a residence, applying to rent a house or bidding to buy one, really fills anyone with eager anticipation and euphoria. You like where you live; you know that it takes seven minutes to get to the hairdresser’s and that Dave next door will wheel your bins in if you’re away.
You can freshen up your surroundings with a renovation or extension while still living at the property you know and love – saving a considerable amount of stress and hassle.
2. Extensions and renovations increase the value of your home.
This is a relatively simple one. Renovations and extensions upgrade your home, making it even more desirable. If you end up deciding to move, those improvements mean a significant wad of extra cash in your pocket!
Something to remember, however, is that the wider the audience your renovations appeal to, the greater they will increase the property’s value.
3. More space!
A well-crafted home extension can make a world of difference in feeling comfortable. Granny Flats WA specialises in seamless home extensions, giving your home a continuity in style. A well-executed extension can provide an alternative for a communal living space, an office or an additional bathroom.
4. Freshen up and modernise your home.
A high-quality renovation can help bring your home into the present day, livening up the aesthetic and feel of your home. After all, our place of residence is where we spend most of our time – it’s bound to experience wear and tear.

5. Personalise your home.
Maybe you bought yourself a place, and you really like it, but it’s missing something – it’s not yours just yet. A renovation or extension can be the perfect way to put your unique fingerprint on the house. Partnering with a company like Granny Flats WA allows you a painless and efficient way to bring your ideas to life.
6. It’s your cheapest option.
Buying a new residence, and selling your existing one, is an expensive ordeal. There are a considerable number of hidden costs. When buying a house, you’ll be hit with fees such as stamp duty, transfer fees, moving costs, application fees, various insurances – to name a few. Additionally, selling a house has similar associated costs such as advertising, capital gains tax, legal fees and mortgage exit fees. All these costs accumulate to a significant drain on your finances, with none of them lessening the financial strain of actually buying a place!
7. Renovating can lower your energy costs.
A renovation allows you to implement materials and designs that will increase your home’s energy efficiency. These changes have the potential to provide significant ongoing savings.
In your renovation, you can increase insulation and improve window sealing, mitigating a sizeable chunk of your aircon and heater usage. You can also increase the amount of natural light that enters your home and ensure that your lights are LED (rather than their energy-hungry cousins: fluorescent lights). In addition, you’ll get a chance to choose appliances with high energy efficiency ratings and can even opt for a darker exterior paint. These are only a few small, relatively hassle-free ways that you can increase your home’s energy efficiency and decrease your ongoing energy bills.
There you have it, there are many reasons why you should extend or renovate your home. An extension or renovation for your home can do more than just freshen up your property; it can satisfy your need for change while saving you money, improving your lifestyle, and increasing your property’s overall value.
While an extension or renovation is less complicated than buying or selling a house, the process can still be daunting. That’s where we come in. Granny Flats WA has been helping Perth residents upgrade their homes for over twenty years. If you have any queries about the process or want advice on what’s best for you, give our friendly team of specialists a call on 08 9329 6888.